Wednesday, August 23, 2006

An excelent article on the (engineering) process

Gary Pollice discusses various issues related to the project development process.

Gary Pollice is a professor of practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Worcester, MA. He teaches software engineering, design, testing, and other computer science courses, and also directs student projects. Before entering the academic world, he spent more than thirty-five years developing various kinds of software, from business applications to compilers and tools. His last industry job was with IBM Rational software, where he was known as "the RUP Curmudgeon" and was also a member of the original Rational Suite team. He is the primary author of Software Development for Small Teams: A RUP-Centric Approach, published by Addison-Wesley in 2004. He holds a BA in mathematics and an MS in computer science.


Joe said...

By the way, RUP is IBM's "Rational Unified Process", a methodology for project development. IBM makes a bunch of tools under the Rational brand for project management.

Hung said...

Bare Naked App is a weblog about the development process of a webapp. I was following it a while back, but I've since forgotten about it until I read this blog post.